Home South Africa Andile Lungisa suspension process complete: Eastern Cape ANC – SABC News

Andile Lungisa suspension process complete: Eastern Cape ANC – SABC News

Andile Lungisa suspension process complete: Eastern Cape ANC – SABC News

The African National Congress (ANC) Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) in the Eastern Cape says the disciplinary process against former ANC councilor Nelson Mandela Bay and PEC member Andile Lungisa is complete after his suspension was upheld by the NEC.

Lungisa successfully challenged his suspension at the party’s national disciplinary committee, but the province subsequently successfully appealed the decision.

Lungisa’s membership in the party has been suspended for two years, half of which will be suspended for five years, provided he is not found guilty of misconduct. He must also pay a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Former ANC – informs the advisor of Lungisa Media after his parole:

ANC provincial secretary Lulama Ngkukaitobi says: “The appeal process has therefore concluded. What is left for us as the PEC is to fully implement the outcomes of the NDCA. They have the option of going to the national conference if they still feel aggrieved by the findings of the NDCA, which is a process that will run parallel to the implementation of the findings of the disciplinary process.”

Lungisa says the decision is an attack on him and others.

“I will appeal the matter to the NEC, appeal the matter to the national conference. What they’ll never succeed in cleaning up, they’ll never succeed, we don’t melt like ice cream.”

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