Home South Africa SA must work to identify and stop causes of violent crime: analyst...

SA must work to identify and stop causes of violent crime: analyst – SABC News

SA must work to identify and stop causes of violent crime: analyst – SABC News

Independent crime analyst Dr Chris de Kock says the country needs to work on identifying some of the attributes behind the rise in violent crime, as well as tackling the causes of crime.

The latest statistics released by Police Minister Bheki Chele have painted a grim picture of violent crime in South Africa.

More than 7,000 people were killed between July and September 2022. This is more than 800 people more than in the same period last year.

Crime statistics also showed that between April and the end of September this year, around 558 children were killed in the country.

Police are investigating the attempted murders of 294 children and a further 1,895 cases of GBH involving children.

More than 10,000 women, men and children have been raped, with the majority of rape victims being women.

De Kock outlines some practical solutions that can solve these problems: “Police, communities and security companies must work hand in hand, working closely together. They need to share information and maintain high visibility… High visibility of the police, but also address the problem of insufficient equipment so that street robberies go away… Cases of rape and sexual assault, if there are companies that teach people to report it, even if it is in an intimate family , then people will start reporting.”

In the report below, MPs express their dismay at the latest crime statistics:

INFOGRAPHIC: The latest crime statistics in SA

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