Home South Africa Correctional services investigate stabbing of Janusz Walus in prison – SABC News

Correctional services investigate stabbing of Janusz Walus in prison – SABC News

Correctional services investigate stabbing of Janusz Walus in prison – SABC News

The Department of Correctional Services says it is investigating an incident in which an inmate stabbed convicted murderer Janusz Walus at Kgosi Mampuru Prison in Pretoria.

The department says Walus, who was wounded and admitted to the prison hospital, is in stable condition. The stabbing happened days after the Constitutional Court ordered that Valus be released on parole until Friday. The Supreme Court considered the decision of the Minister of Justice Ronald Lamola to deny parole to Polish immigrants irrational.

Walus shot and killed former SACP general secretary Chris Hani in 1993, pushing South Africa to the brink of civil war.

The department condemned the stabbing incident.

Department spokesperson Singabaho Nxumala: “Our medical staff are looking after him and we can say that he is currently stable and will receive all the necessary care. Inmate Valus is believed to have been injured by another inmate from the same unit. Stabbing and other forms of disorder are serious offenses that are not justified in a correctional institution, so the department will investigate this particular case fully.”

Nxumalo sheds more light on the incident:

Meanwhile, members of the ANC-led tripartite alliance are expected to lead a protest against Walus’ release on Thursday.

In some quarters, the sentence was condemned.

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