American comedy icon Bob Newhart, renowned for his deadpan delivery and influential stand-up routines, has passed away at 94. The celebrated star of The Bob Newhart Show died at his home following a series of brief illnesses, as confirmed by his publicist on Thursday.
Newhart, who initially pursued a career as an accountant in Chicago, transitioned to comedy and became a household name. He made a notable impact as a guest host on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show 87 times and appeared in the classic Christmas film Elf and The Big Bang Theory.
Born in a Chicago suburb to a plumber, Newhart earned a business degree from Loyola University in 1952. He served in the Army during the Korean War before attending law school, which he left to pursue comedy. In 1959, he was discovered by a local DJ, leading to a record deal with Warner Bros. Records.
Newhart’s groundbreaking live recording from a Houston comedy club, The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart, became the first comedy album to top the charts, with seven subsequent albums selling millions of copies. His publicist noted that Newhart’s career began “toiling in Chicago as an accountant by day and moonlighting at night as a comedy performer and writer.”
Newhart was known for his innovative stand-up routines, characterized by lengthy, humorous stories rather than single punchlines. His signature act often involved a telephone as a prop to simulate conversations with imaginary interlocutors.
Though he never fully retired, continuing to perform well into his 80s, Newhart’s influence on comedy remains significant. Tributes have poured in from across the entertainment industry. Director Judd Apatow described him as “the kindest most hilarious man,” while actress Kaley Cuoco hailed him as a “genius” on Instagram. Director Paul Feig and actress Jamie Lee Curtis also shared their admiration and grief over his passing.
Newhart is survived by his four children and numerous grandchildren. His wife of 60 years, Virginia “Ginnie” Newhart, passed away in 2023.